Hoje a gente foi ao centro histórico da linda cidade de Montevidéu, conhecemos um monte de lugares muito legais, fomos pra uma estátua de Artigas, o uruguaio que começo com os primeiros pensamentos para a independência do pais; depois fomos pra a catedral e muitos de nós levamos um ramo na igreja por ser o Domingo de Ramos.

Depois voltamos pra o hotel e fomos a uma fonte de cadeados para arranjar ou manter namorados. Mais tarde fomos a praia. Logo fomos jantar num restaurante muito gostoso e depois fomos para uma feirinha, que tinha tradições gaúchas e uruguaias, foi legal demais.

Kevin Villareal e Violeta Cota do México.
Today we went to the historical center of the beautiful city of Montevideo. We saw a lot of really cool places, like the statue of Artigas, the Uruguayan that start with the first thoughts to the independence of the country, then we went to the cathedral and many of us took a branch in the church for being Palm Sunday . Then back to the hotel and went to a fountain that people put lockers on it to find or keep boy/girlfriend. Later we went to the beach. After that, we had dinner in a really nice restaurant and went to a fair with gauchos and Uruguayan´s traditions. It was very cool.
Kevin Villareal and Violeta Cota from Mexico.

Depois voltamos pra o hotel e fomos a uma fonte de cadeados para arranjar ou manter namorados. Mais tarde fomos a praia. Logo fomos jantar num restaurante muito gostoso e depois fomos para uma feirinha, que tinha tradições gaúchas e uruguaias, foi legal demais.

Kevin Villareal e Violeta Cota do México.
Today we went to the historical center of the beautiful city of Montevideo. We saw a lot of really cool places, like the statue of Artigas, the Uruguayan that start with the first thoughts to the independence of the country, then we went to the cathedral and many of us took a branch in the church for being Palm Sunday . Then back to the hotel and went to a fountain that people put lockers on it to find or keep boy/girlfriend. Later we went to the beach. After that, we had dinner in a really nice restaurant and went to a fair with gauchos and Uruguayan´s traditions. It was very cool.
Kevin Villareal and Violeta Cota from Mexico.
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