Oi, tudo bem, ontem o dia foi ótimo porque a gente conheceu o pais do Paraguai, a verdade eu não esperava muito desse passeio mais terminou sendo muito legal e engraçado, nossa eu não acreditava o que eu estava olhando quando os caras queriam vender tudo por menos de 5 reais hahah, a gente foi pro shopping Del Este e ali muitos de nós fizemos compras muito baratas, eu pessoalmente comprei um iPhone novinho hahaha, todos os taiwaneses compraram de tudo, desde um pau de selfie até iPhones e GoPro, depois disso a gente foi pra hotel pulamos na piscina um pouco e depois fomos jantar num rodizio de pizza com as melhores pizzas de chocolate que eu já experimentei, depois disso a gente tive o show de talentos que foi engraçado de mais porque ninguém preparou alguma coisa pro show quase todo foi improvisado, os mexicanos brincamos de luta libre e os taiwaneses dançaram single ladies, um americano cantou músicas de Fergie, e depois a gente fez uma mini festa.
E hoje a gente passou todo dia no ônibus coisa que foi legal porque a gente já virou quase uma família e gostamos de passar tempo juntos. Saímos cedo de Foz e percorremos 636 km até Curitiba, capital do Paraná.
Por Esteban González e Violeta Cota (México). ‹3
Hi everybody, yesterday the day was great because we went to the country of Paraguay, to be honest I didn’t expected a lot of this tour but it ended being very cool and funny, omg I didn’t believe what I was seeing when the guys wanted to sell everything for less than 5 reais. We went to the shopping Del Este and there a lot of us made very cheap purchase, I personally, bough the new iPhone 6, the Taiwanese people bought many things, since selfie stick to iPhones and GoPro. Later we went to the hotel and got into de pool for a while and then, we went to have dinner at a pizza buffet, it has the best chocolate pizzas that I already tried. After that we had the talent show, it was very funny because nobody prepared a thing, almost everything was improvised, the Mexicans made a scene of WWE and the Taiwanese danced Single Ladies, an American singed of Fergie, and then we made a mini party.
Today we spend all day in the bus, it was cool because we have turn into a family and we love spending time together. We left the hotel early in the morning and travelled 636 km until Curitiba, Parana´s capital.
By Esteban González and Violeta Cota (México). ‹3
Por Esteban González e Violeta Cota (México). ‹3
Hi everybody, yesterday the day was great because we went to the country of Paraguay, to be honest I didn’t expected a lot of this tour but it ended being very cool and funny, omg I didn’t believe what I was seeing when the guys wanted to sell everything for less than 5 reais. We went to the shopping Del Este and there a lot of us made very cheap purchase, I personally, bough the new iPhone 6, the Taiwanese people bought many things, since selfie stick to iPhones and GoPro. Later we went to the hotel and got into de pool for a while and then, we went to have dinner at a pizza buffet, it has the best chocolate pizzas that I already tried. After that we had the talent show, it was very funny because nobody prepared a thing, almost everything was improvised, the Mexicans made a scene of WWE and the Taiwanese danced Single Ladies, an American singed of Fergie, and then we made a mini party.
Today we spend all day in the bus, it was cool because we have turn into a family and we love spending time together. We left the hotel early in the morning and travelled 636 km until Curitiba, Parana´s capital.
By Esteban González and Violeta Cota (México). ‹3
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